What it does

dotnet-dump is a tool for collecting and analyzing .NET dumps. With dotnet-dump you can analyze crashes and the managed heap.


The easiest way to install dotnet-dump is to curl the binary.

$ curl -L -o dotnet-dump https://aka.ms/dotnet-dump/linux-x64 && chmod 755 dotnet-dump
$ ./dotnet-dump collect --process-id 1
$ ./dotnet-dump analyze file

To collect and start analyze

# When collect is done the filname is printed to the console
$ ./dotnet-dump collect --process-id 1
$ ./dotnet-dump analyze file


Below is a list of commands that i find useful

eeheap -gc

Shows information about the managed heap. For example number of heaps, where each generation starts and ends in a heap, size of the generations.

$ eeheap -gc


Shows all the objects on the heap. With the -stat parameter it will display a summary of number objects and the size of all the method tables

$ dumpheap
$ dumpheap -stat

# Shows all the objects of a method table
dumpheap -mt <method_table>

dumpgen <gen1,gen2,gen3,loh>

This command works like dumpheap -stat but only for the generation you specify

# Show stats about large object heap
$ dumpgen loh

dumpgen <gen1,gen2,gen3,loh> -mt

This shows all the object of a specific method table in the specified generation

$ dumpgen loh -mt <memory_address>

gcroot -all

This commands takes a memory address as a parameter. It finds all roots to the specified object.

$ gcroot -all <memory_address>


The d command reads the memory address and tries to display the contents

$ d <memory_address>